Friday, July 26, 2024



InsideOAUmedia presents

HEIR-APPARENT (A story of love, politics and struggle)

Heir-Apparent is based on the story of Bimbo, the grand-daughter to a renowned political leader of the country; the hurdles and challenges she faced on inheriting the enterprise founded by her grandfather amidst the issues and problems caused by one of her uncles and her cousins.

Stay tuned on to enjoy this scintillating beautiful piece as it will be aired every Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.


“Be careful my child, do not waste precious time, hurry up and leave before they arrive” Susan said to Bimbo, her 18year old daughter on a chilly harmattan morning in the month of December. Bimbo who was to get away with some vital documents responded “Mom, I don’t want to leave you alone here for any moment” Susan replied ” Don’t worry about me baby, Samad (Susan’s Head of Security) is here with his team, tell him to allow Josh (Samad’s second in command) escort you. Be safe my dear and report back to me as soon as possible” after which Bimbo sauntered out of the large, spacious living room of the mansion.


The elections of the country had just been concluded and everybody is in anticipation of who will emerge as the new President among the three strongest contenders amidst many: The Incumbent President, Prof Allen Adeoye who represented the ruling party, The Resistance Movement; A former Minister of Women Affairs, Dr.Mrs Halima Omoyeni who represented The People’s Choice, a leading opposition party, who is also the only female contender; and A former Vice President of the country, Mallam Musa Haske who represented The Democratic Movement, another leading opposition party.

Sitting in the huge, spacious dining room of the Opeloyeru clan is the Icon himself, Prof Olatunji Opeloyeru, A well renowned prominent political leader in the nation, also The Chairman and Co-founder of SOLAT Enterprises which comprise of many educational institutions, Sports stores and show rooms and Agricultural firms that spanned across the whole southwestern region of the country; His wife, Dr Victoria Opeloyeru, the acting Director General of the World Health Organization in the country; Lincoln, his first child and son, a prominent lawyer by profession and his fiance Kemi who is an accountant at the Federal Ministry of Justice; Kenneth, his second child, a lecturer of political science in the University of Lagos; Tomi, his third child, a music undergraduate of the University of Benin; and Susan, the only daughter and 4th child, a fresh graduate of Business Administration from Covenant University who just completed her compulsory service year. All of them are home due to the current tense state of the nation caused by the just concluded elections.

Prof Opeloyeru barely ate as his eyes were glued to the plasma television which displayed the Electoral Commission Chairman announcing the results of the just concluded Presidential Elections. Just a moment after he shifted his attention back to his food, Miss Pamilerin, his Personal Assistant rushed in with his phone, telling him ” Prof, you’ve got a call from Mallam Tao. Immediately, he excused himself from the table and went to respond to the call put through by Mallam Taofeek Abidemi, his best friend, Co-founder and also a prominent political leader in the country and said ” Tao, how is the update, I am starting to suspect foul play with this nuisance the ruling party is causing” in which to his friend responded ” Don’t worry Prof, our candidate will surely emerge, all measures to ensure that have been put in place before the commencement of the elections, be rest assured sir”. They discussed a little more about the political tension, ranging to the economy and the their enterprise particularly after which Mallam Tao hung up.

Prof then told his PA to cancel all his engagements for the following day as anything unpredictable may happen due to the rising political tension caused by the announcement of the results that will most likely be completed in the following day.

Which political party do you think the Prof and the Mallam are supporting and why do you think Prof’s mind is not at rest?

The Resistance Movement, The People’s Choice or The Democratic Movement?

Feel free to drop in the comment box

Damola Badmos (Carrick)

Stay tuned on this Thursday for the next episode.

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