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South Korea holding an election amidst corona virus pandemic - Inside OAU Media
Friday, November 8, 2024

South Korea holding an election amidst corona virus pandemic


Even when countries such as the UK and Ethiopia have postponed polls due to corona virus, South Korea is able to go ahead with its elections because the country is not under any sort of strict lockdown measures.

The National Election Commission (NEC) said that it would regularly disinfect all 14,330 polling stations and run temperature checks at the doors, anyone showing temperature readings higher than 37.5°C would be directed to special booths.

Voters would be provided with hand sanitizers and plastic gloves when they enter the booths and everyone must keep at least a meter distance from each other while waiting in the line, everyone must also put on a mask.

Patients being treated for Corona virus were given the option of mailing their ballot. The polling boots are also outside residential centers to help prevent the spread of the infection.

Even people under Quarantine are allowed to vote but are under strict restrictions and monitoring by the security to vote, at certain times and in designated polling stations, they can’t use public transport and can only walk or use their own private cars to get their special polling stations. These are just measures being taken to allow the scheduled National Assembly Election to take place during the Covid-19 pandemic. The fear of getting infected doesn’t appear to be keeping people away as more than 11 million people have cast their votes in advance, some by post and most by traveling to early polling stations.

South Korea has never postponed an election, even during the Korean war in 1952, the presidential elections went on. South Korea is determined to hold a successful election in the face of the Corona virus pandemic.

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