Friday, July 26, 2024



Welcome to this space, how do you do. Well, to kill part of the boredom this covid pandemic might have caused, we have decided show you another phase of OAU in 3D; to bring to you 30 DIFFERENT TYPES OF STUDENTS YOU WILL FIND ON OAU CAMPUS. Obafemi Awolowo University is notorious for different genre of students filling virtually the entire vast space of the university campus.

So here are 30 different types of students you cant do without coming across on that campus, be it day or night, so enjoy this exhilarating and hilarious piece.

The Spirikokos: They are the ones that dont have anything else to do than roam from Lecture room to Library to Hostel to Fellowship. All they know is fellowships. They are plenty on campus. Easy to identify.

The Party animals: These ones can also be known as the social prefects. They attend virtually all social events both on and off campus. It’s the specialty, they vibe well at that.

The Activists: These ones are common on campus. Every little issue, it’s Aluta Continua. They are always the first in carrying placards, posting articles and criticizing the management on certain issues. They are virtually the students’ voice. Set awon ‘Orange Beret’.

The Phone addicts: These ones are special types of students. No matter when and where you come across with them, either in the road or anywhere, they will always be attached to their phones either on a call.conversation or chatting amongst others. They pay more attention to their phones most times than any person that tries to engage them in a conversation.

The Nocturnals: These ones are the night kings and queens. You will rarely see them active during the day but at night, they are as active as owls. Sometimes I wonder if they are truly students.

The Hostel squatters: Virtually all students fall into this category but there are the extreme ones. These ones are also called illegal occupants. Sometimes in a particularly room, Illegal occupants are more than legal occupants and they never get caught.

The Rich guys: These students are adjudged by their appearance which make them to be easily identifiable. Mostly, their mode of dressing together with their exorbitant cars reveal their riches. Moreso, they are the ones that are mostly surrounded by the beautiful girls on campus. They are sometimes arrogant and are otherwise reffered to as “Sinzu Money”.

The Bookworms: These are the jackobians of Oau campus. Its as if they were born for books. They are never okay without reading. They are the types that can read the future if possible. They are plenty on campus.

The School 2 students: The school 2 students are also known as the pests of a lecture room. They never sit at the front and all they do is to disturb the ongoing lecture.

The Class stabbers: These ones dont attend classes, they can stab anything. They dont care about the consequences of missing lectures. They derive pleasure in stabbing classes.

The Overnight addicts: This set of people actually varies in their dealings. While some come for overnights to burn the midnight candle not that 67% of them actually make it to read. I mean sometimes the call of nature is more ‘importanter’ (sleep). Some are also there to actually charge due to bad electricity off-campus. We have those that came to mingle with friends and lovelies too. The fun that comes with overnights can’t be overemphasized.

The Football lovers: Not that I hate football or fans that watch it but your ear wouldn’t be at rest when Champions League is on. To even make the situation better-worst let Barca vs Man U be playing. That’s when you’d know that Amphitheater 5000 seat capacity is never enough. Ask them to come for SER class, they wouldn’t. Ask them to come and see Messi play, stampede will happen.

The Dubbers: Dubbers in OAU are different from your normal day to day dubbers. Have you ever seen a dubber collecting extra sheets before? Well, I have seen one. I was surprised too. Dubbing in OAU is like a special gift for some students in OAU. Their expertise level is divinely inherited. Never to be caught geng. Their necks should be something of value to OAU museum.

The English babes: Apart from Law students, I am yet to see another department that can compete with them when it comes to beauty. I wouldn’t be surprised if they say Beauty was used as part of their entry qualification. Not only is their beauty on a thing of admiration but how they try so hard to pronounce Three as Tfree (British style).
I pray some of their teeth don’t get removed one day.

The Sweet Boys association: Not being part of this association, I’d do my 97% possibly best to be accurate. Dem sweet boiz are those you’d probably see on Sneakers, fitted denim jean, shining chain and in some cases, stud. Sweet Boiz are always with some accessories like Water bottle, airpods, or key pegged to their trousers. They are actually sweet because they are fresh and classy. You wouldn’t want to come across one because you’d be swept off your feet.

The Smart gberos: These are the set of students that are usually lousy and loud, they sometimes even dress roughly, they’re usually playful, full of live etc. But, their smartness will blow your mind, checking their portal will explain it all to you.

The MOZ 101 lecturers: These sets of students, especially guys, are the ones that are always in the Mozambique hall of residence, meeting one girl or another, it’s almost as if they have a room there.

The Alte After Alte guys: These ones are always wearing over sized clothings, from their trousers to their shirts, even their shoe wears are sometimes oversized. They’re truly “Alte” in every sense.

The In-The-Genes: These are the ones that haven’t schooled outside osun state all their lives, they are always trying to state one fact or another about Osun state, they always thrive to make sure you see the beauty in their state.

The Snapping addicts: These ones are also known as photo bombers or otherwise known as ‘Born to snap’. In fact they snap during lectures. After every lecture like this, the next thing is ‘lets snap’. They are like ocean on campus.

The Library roamers: These ones are more or less the grandchildren of Hezekiah Oluwasanmi. H.O.Library is their second home. Funny enough, some of them dont go there to read but to cruise such as charging, using wifi, catching babes and so on. They cant go a day without visiting the library.

The Mobile kiosks: These are also known as campus traders. They sell any kind of accessory you may need. Most students engage in stuffs like this.

The Busybody: These ones are sworn enemies of the devil. They hate idling about. They are always engaged in something no matter how meagre it is. They dislike laziness and dislike seeing lazy beings. You can find many of them on campus.

The Talkatives: These ones are hell of talkers. They can talk for hours without getting tired. You will always find them at the scene of any little debate. They derive an unseen pleasure in it which makes them be able to do such a weird thing.

The Chefs: These ones are in-born cooks. They can cook anything. You can never find faults with their meals. Physically some of them may look rough but their culinary skills are second to none. They can mostly be found in Halls of residence… especially those males.

The Clowns: These ones are something else… they are the definitions of true clownery. They are more or less indirect comedians. They are rare on campus but once you come in contact with one of them, you may totally forget all the worries you are passing through at the moment.

The Jonahs: They are the sleepers of the OAU campus. Their biggest ability is sleeping. They can never be okay if they dont sleep for long long hours. They even sleep during lectures as well as during exams. They are the true jonahs of OAU.

The Maintenance loafers: Outside the school gate, especially at night, in front of the maintenance hostel, you can find crowds of them loafing around with babes of different natures. There isnt a night without such occurence even when males were banned from entering the hostel.

The Versatile beings: They are the Jack of all trades. They have the special ability of coping with and balancing a lot of things together ranging from Politics, Entrepreneurship, Social life, academics life, spiritual life amidst others. They are rare to know as well as find on campus.

If you are a student of Obafemi Awolowo University, there is no how you wont fall into one of these categories as well as know people into most of the categories. OAU campus is a fun place to be as it revolves around people with different aspects and categories of lifestyles. You are the one to choose how you relate and adapt to your lifestyle.

Thank you for reading.

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