Friday, October 25, 2024



Yo guys, welcome to this space, keep it coming, keep it coming, refer your loved ones here, we hope you enjoy our contents as we bring them to you steadily. we still have more and more amazing contents for you to enjoy so stay tuned to InsideOAU media. Here is another edition of showing you OAU in 3D. Listed below is the list of different types of lecturers you will find on OAU campus. In OAU, we really have plenty lecturers; some doctors, some professors but most with different genres. Some really need to change and adapt to the students’ way of grasping what they teach while some are satisfactorily okay so far while some are really really the definition of teachers but as the cycle of life is, virtually every related thing has differences. This article might sound hilarious, funny, straight and slightly rude but the truth can’t just be ignored and has to be revealed hoping to see changes in the attitudes of some of them when schools reopen so read through and enjoy this piece soothingly. In no particular order,

The Historians: They are the history tellers of OAU campus. Barely would there be a class held without them sharing a rare history of the university or the nation at large. They are well versed in it. They also use that medium to contribute to students’ knowledge though.

The Story tellers: Ever heard of MacMillan series? These are the signed authors we never knew. They are also the motivational speakers. They can spend 10 minutes lecturing and 50 minutes telling stories. They are too good at it. Most of them share stories based on their undergraduates days, their marital life as well as some other irrelevant stories that have no relation to the ongoing course although some of them are adept at relating their stories to the course.

The Sadists: This set of people derive joy in destroying students’ reputation. They dont joke with students. They even threaten academically during lectures. They can inflict mental cruelty that may affect not just your academic life but you as a whole. Make sure you do not fall into the trap of most of them as that could strike a deadly blow you would wish you never encountered.

The Teachers: These are the real lecture takers. They are patient, ready to listen, willing to explain thoroughly that will ensure your academic success to the maximum. They will break stuffs down for you, explain and teach you in such a way that you will never forget the particularly topic.

The Obstinate lecturers: This set of lecturers is the most stubborn set I’ve ever seen. —— I’ve experienced the case of a lecturer i’m acquainted with. The lecturer took a class at a lecture theatre but because the venue didnt contain the whole class, the lecturer proposed that we all move the main bowl at sports complex for the lecture, we protested that rain just stopped falling that the place wont be conducive but the lecturer refused to listen to recommendations and against our wish, we all trooped to the venue which was about 20mins far from our location only to find the floor wet and nothing could obviously hold there. After that, the lecturer redirected us to the previous venue but on getting there, the time was up and the period was just a waste due to obstinate nature of the lecturer and it cost us precious time and inflicted stress ——. There are also several cases that are popular on campus. I dont know if they derive pleasure from it but it is something that really really affects the students a lot.

The Simpatico lecturers: This set of lecturers are simple with qualities that favor the students. They are not complicated at all and many students tend to love most of them. They are straightforward, frank and guileless with students.

The Subtle lecturers: The lecturers in this category are hard to understand especially when lecturing. You will find it difficult to grasp their explanations and whenever you ask for clarification, they will say ” go and find out more yourself ”.

Well, hope you enjoyed this hilarious piece, a comment on this is not a bad idea to know if we are on the right track. Thank you for reading.

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