Friday, July 26, 2024



Yahoo-yahoo is now a widespread disease in Nigeria. Both males and females engage in this illicit act. Cyber-crime is not perceived as bad act by the majority of the Nigerian populace. The society is indulging this act and it is not only eating us up but also denting our image internationally. Before I go further on the advantages of yahoo-yahoo in our community, let me shed light on all you need to know about cyber-crime in Nigeria.

Cybercrime is generally defined as a criminal offence involving a computer as the object of the crime (hacking, phishing, spamming), or as the tool used to commit a material component of the offence (child pornography, hate crimes, computer fraud). Criminals can also use computers, smartphones for communication and data storage. The internet’s rapid diffusion and digitation of economic activities have led to the emergence of this new breed of criminals. However, in the recent years, cyber-crime has received considerable attention from the political, social and economic field of life.
The devastating effects of cyber terrorism on a country’s economy cannot be over emphasized. While countries like the USA and Britain have recorded billions of dollars and pounds respectively in losses to Cybercrime, Nigerian is not an exception. In 2016, the Federal Government of Nigeria reported the estimated annual cost of cybercrime in Nigeria to be 0.08 per cent of the country’s Gross Domestic Products (GDP), which represents about N127 billion.

It is no news that poverty and high rate of unemployment are the major reasons why teenagers and young adults engage in cyber-crime. Yahoo-yahoo is now what Nigerians do boastfully. Yahoo-yahoo has been seen as another source of making quick and cool cash.
The disadvantage of yahoo-yahoo is numerous, but mind you, we are here to talk about its advantages. Below are the advantages of yahoo-yahoo;

Reduction in physical crime rate : Due to lack of employment, people tend to do anything for money, be it legal or otherwise. Armed-robbery, burglary, kidnapping, assault, ritual etc have reduced drastically since unemployed individuals see cyber-crime as a less risky way of making money illegally.

Money circulation : Money circulates easily and efficiently nowadays. Those who are not employed by private or public firms and are not self-employed, who used to be cashless now have cash , thanks to Hence, money circulates.

Street loitering and prostitution : People who wander about the street, that usually turn thugs are now occupied with yahoo-yahoo, thus making the street safe. Ladies who would have offered sex for money all because they want to make ends meet now engage themselves with yahoo-yahoo.

DISCLAIMER: this blog post does not support yahoo-yahoo activities in anyway whatsoever. This is just an opinion from the writer on a brighter side of this parasitic act.

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