Friday, July 26, 2024

Men! These are five proven ways to attract ladies to yourselves


Just like women, men come in all different shapes and sizes. And all women have a type, a personal preference so to speak. That one thing that attracts them to men and what they look for in man after man. It could be dark hair, dark skin,voice but that’s all aesthetics,the actual things ladies find in men that makes them attracted include;


No doubt money is almost always going to be the number one thing that makes ladies attracted to males. Reasons shouldn’t be far fetched as wealth indicates power, security, comfort and even excitement. This is very attractive to women who crave all these feelings.


Intelligence,demonstrated by high grades, an impressive line of studies or career are very attractive but some ladies crave more of such as women want a guy that can hold his own intellectually. He must be able to sustain a conversation about various topics and show that he is knowledgeable. Smart men are sexy.

They also cherish ability of men to read their feelings,to decipher solutions to their problems and to be able to do things they regard as smart. With this a guy is sure to attract a female counterpart.


This is definitely the first pointer that always attracts ladies to men. A man with a good look coupled with a good dressing can steal a lady any where any time.
Ladies are naturally attracted to good looks,so when next you are outing,do have a nice haircut,take your time in looking good,you might get your dream lady that day!!

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Good Manners

Women want a good man, and this starts with good manners.They want men who will be respectful,responsible,kind ,generous and all what good manners entails. A man that is kind to others, will likely be respectful to his woman. Gentleman manners can be shown in the simplest ways,with time, with money, and even in bed.


A good sense of humor and ability to pay attention to her,her feelings and her aspirations are a must, and a guy who can make a girl laugh whilst even being a great listener is very attractive. There will be tough days, and tough times, and having a guy who will be there to hear your stories,profer solutions and give lightness of heart is a treasure.

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