Friday, July 26, 2024



As a result of the Corona virus outbreak that was first detected in Wuhan, China which has spread to other countries of the world, the federal government of Nigeria ordered a national lockdown on 23rd of March, 2020 giving directives for the closing down of schools.

On 14th of September, 2020 the federal government of Nigeria ordered reopening of schools but as a result of ASUU strike, students were unable to resume till January 2021 after ASUU members have called off their eight months strike.
COVID-19 has triggered new ways of learning. All round the world, many educational institutes are looking towards online learning platforms to continue with the process of educating students as an alternative to just having the students stay at home. The second outbreak of coronavirus pandemic in January 2021, has made many higher institutions in Nigeria to adopt online lectures instead of physical classes which includes Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
Though we can say that online lecture serves as one of the measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 but the following are the reasons why students shouldn’t stay at home for the online class;

. PRIVACY: If you stay at home, there are some duties you’re expected to take charge of, such as house chores, errands etc (for instance, you can be sent somewhere without knowing that you wont get back before a time stipulated for an online lecture to commence). Meanwhile, situations as such can clash with the time for your classes. Then there’s the issue of noise pollution which can make you lose concentration therefore you need your privacy.

. SCHOOL WORKS : There are some assignments that you cannot do alone, no matter how hard you try, it’ll still require you meeting with your course mates in order to brainstorm and sort out the necessary things. From there, you can even get to understand some things better and ask for clarity from course mates by asking to discuss or explain things to you before you can reach a conclusion.

. TECHNOLOGY ISSUES : internet penetration has grown in leaps and bound over the past few years, in smaller cities and towns. A consistent connection with decent speed is a problem in a large part of the country. So, it is not advisable you stay at home to receive lectures in order to have a consistent network (server). The school has INTECU which is much faster and can be accessed on campus.

. SPECIAL REQUEST FOR CLARITY: There might be a course that is done via online platform and you tend to have issue with some things that are taught. You can contact your lecturers that are around the school environment and request for clarity which would probably need you to meet them in their office or somewhere.

. READING SPACES: Indisputably, when you are not near any disturbance or distraction, you would be able to read and assimilate. But the probability of having such conducive environment while staying at home is low. Therefore it is more advisable that you do not stay at home. If you around the school environment, you can even make use of the school reading rooms or departmental libraries since the school gives room for students to enter campus.

. PHYSICAL RESUMPTION : There is the probability that the school orders physics resumption anytime since its been stated in the last circular that some information in it are tentative. If you are around the school environment, you won’t have to start worry about travelling or resumption to campus.

Therefore, it is quite advisable that students stay around campus which will most likely be in a rented apartment outside campus since students aren’t allowed to stay in the school hostel (and we advise that you make the choice of a safe environment).

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