Friday, July 26, 2024

Osun CP clarifies Ife-Modakeke Clash Fake


As opposed to an update earlier sent to help students stay safe in the Ife-modakeke environment because of the sudden disturbance, instability and the sounds of gunshots been heard, there was a reaction from The Osun State Commissioner of Police, CP Olawale Olokode to the viral rumour that there was clash between Ife-Modakeke yesterday night.

In a statement on behalf of the Commissioner of Police which was signed by SP. Opalola Yemisi, Spokesperson of Osun State Police Command on Monday, the Police boss described the purported report as fake.

While giving update in the account of the incident, he said: “It has become increasingly necessary to keep you abreast of the incident that occurred in Modakeke last night, 16th May, 2021 and has been trending on the social media.”

“I want to categorically state that, it was an erroneous believe that some people came to attack people from Famia axis. The news was fake and a blatant lie!

“The true situation as gathered is that; the local vigilantes guiding the area against thieves & hoodlums were on their routine SHOW OF FORCE like any other places, to alert the people of community of their presence & assure them of safety.

“But because of what happened recently, people became apprehensive, thinking they were under attack.

“The Commissioner of Police, CP Olawale OLOKODE, psc wishes to assure the good people of Osun of his unrelenting commitment to ensure adequate security of the state, which he is overseeing without any fear of attack or molestation.

“He therefore appeals to everyone to timely report any strange movement around them or anyone suspected to be of questionable character. He urged everyone to go about their lawful businesses without any fear of insecurity.”

Source: Amiloadednew

©Enilolobo Emmanuel reporting for IOI

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