Friday, July 26, 2024

I started comedy in OAU – Comedian Peter Trailblazer


Peter Trailblazer with Ali baba

Meet Peter Adeleke popularly called Peter Trailblazer is a mainstream Nigerian comedian, actor and on-air personality. He is best known for social media comedy videos as the role of a Corporate Mad Man. He is known for creating spontaneous and organic videos that reflect visual realities. Peter Trailblazer was born in Lagos, Nigeria on January 23rd 1993, but hails from Ibadan, Oyo state.

Esteemed readers, welcome to today’s edition of the Man Crush Monday (MCM) category of our brand. It is a category set up to feature several of our male alumni of the university who wield a level of influence in their various fields of expertise. Hear from them, learn from their experiences and relearn to prepare yourself ahead for life after school.

Peter Trailblazer

Peter Trailblazer, can we meet you?

I am a graduate of Microbiology from “Oba Awon University”(nick name for OAU). After writing Jamb for two years, I enrolled in the OAU Predegree program and I gained admission at 17 years to study Microbiology. I went to Obafemi AwolowoUniversity because it is Africa’s most beautiful campus. Yes it is the most beautiful campus in Africa due to the magnificent structures and architectural design.

Amazing, having studied Microbioogy as an undergraduate, what would you say geared you into the entertainment industry?

I read microbiology because I have always had the flair for sciences. However my passion had always been in the entertainment industry. I have always loved to impact Africans with my passion. I started comedy in OAU. The culture of creativity in Obafemi Awolowo University also influenced and geared my passion towards entertainment. As an Aworite, staying in Awolowo hostel was the trigger for me. It was so memorable because we had what we call ‘Arowhere exists the craziest and funniest guys in Obafemi Awolowo University. ‘Aro’ is a slang which involves using sarcasm to make jest of someone just to create a joke around them so as to create a lively atmosphere. So all these inspired and triggered me towards entertainment.

Peter Trailblazer with Ali baba
Being an alumnus of
Obafemi Awolowo University, our audience would like to know how you had maintained your stance being a rising artiste, the struggles plus academics

Combining entertainment and Microbiology was not easy at all. There were point I had to stab classes and leave school for weeks to go learn cinematography and the art of film making from the likes of Mike Bamiloye and Tunde Kelani. I paid the price because I loved my passion. So I wouldn’t say it was an easy journey. But it has been a journey that is worthwhile. Anyone who knows OAU well will know that it is a school for learning and culture where Academic is taken with high level of priority. But my ability to prioritize my decisions, mission and act at every point in time helped me to maintain both. I was able to put my want on a scale of preference. I ensured that when it was time to read, I read my books and when it was time to pursue my passion I did. I remember even using my school fees to go learn cinematography and do some movie projects. It’s all about sacrifice and knowing what I want. I was able to enrich my passion and I fired up my passion. And when I graduated, it was easier for me to just switch to my passion. It’s all about balancing the cards well.

Peter Trailblazer

You used your school fees to learn Cinematography that was a bold step. What was going through your head at that moment? And how were you able to pay your school fees at the end of the day?

I actually love anything entertainment. I made up my mind that whatever it was going to cost me legally, I will do to push my passion. As at that time, what was on my head was to learn how to use a camera effectively so I can shoot my skit and make people smile. I wasn’t even thinking of the outcome. I believed that whatever a man can conceive, he can achieve. After I made my choice, then reality dawned on me and I was wondering how I would pay back. Unfortunately for me, I was not able to pay back and it was getting to payment deadline for them to  close the registration portal and I realized I couldn’t get the money back and if I didn’t pay I won’t be able to register courses. I had to confess to my friends that believed in me and my parents that I have used my school fees to learn how to use a camera. My mom was very surprised and furious. But she and dad had no choice but to send me money to pay and today the rest is history.And I am glad I took that crazy step of adding a skill to my skill-set. Now, I shoot and edit my skits myself. And I also shoot for others through the Trailblazer production brand.

Interesting, can you tell us more about “Trailblazer production”

Trailblazer production is a brand that was set up about 6 years ago on OAU Campus. It’s a brand that is into the entertainment industry -involved in cinematography, event branding, event hosting, packaging and delivering topnotch, quality corporate entertainment services; as well as spreading the good will of entertainment all round the world.

Peter Trailblazer With alibaba
Peter Trailblazer with Ali baba

Going back in time to your undergraduate days, where would you say was your favourite spot on Obafemi Awolowo University.

I had lots of spot that I liked. From BOOC to Forks and Fingers to White Wall.  I am stunned by the magnificent beauty of Africa’s most beautiful campus. However, my favorite spot was Main bowl sport complex. I usually go there in the evenings to receive some cool breeze, attend campus fellowship and spend time to “scabash (pray). Every OAU student knows where to go when you see one funny result.

What inspires your comedy? What do you like to joke about?

I realized that social media skits are engaging, and easier to pass across message to a wide audience. Most of the times, I am inspired by trends and relatable happenings in the country. Comic acting is something I have always loved to do. I just love to create organic and spontaneous videos in shorter versions. My motivation is innate.

What’s your most accomplished moment?

My established moment is the fact that I was able to establish a renowned brand of my own from scratch and my brand has made a difference today in the entertainment world.

What should an audience expect when they see you perform? What’s your act like?


That is where the value comes in. When I perform, my audience anticipates a good laugh, beautiful content, and goodwill messages with entertaining vibes that will pull them from their seat and put smile on their face. My audiences always enjoy the humor, friendliness, engaging moments, relaxed atmosphere and inspiring moment that give the show an overall aura of thrills. Also the captivating moments that makes the event memorable. I anchor wedding receptions often, and I always get thumbs up from the crowd indicating a job well done.

 Peter Adeleke popularly called Peter Trailblazer is a mainstream Nigerian comedian, actor and on-air personality. He is best known for social media comedy videos as the role of a Corporate Mad Man. He is known for creating spontaneous and organic videos that reflect visual realities. Peter Trailblazer was born in Lagos, Nigeria on January 23rd 1993, but hails from Ibadan, Oyo state.

Who has been an inspiration to you, comedian and/or non-comedians?

We have a lot of notable people including OAU Alumni that have been inspiring on the big scenes of entertainment in Nigeria. Examples are Femi Branch, Saco, Mc Lively, WoliArole, Ogbeni Adan, and many others. Just to mention a few. I am also glad to be an inspiration to others.

In the comedy industry, who would you like to have collaboration with?

As powerful as Jesus is, he needed to collaborate with John the Baptist. Even if you are a midwife, you still need a nurse to help you while giving birth. So I believe collaboration is very important in the comedy Industry. That is why I try to build good relationship with my colleagues. I am open to collaborations with everyone including Taaooma, SydneyTalkerand other notable entertainers.

In the next 5-10 years, what do you see yourself doing or becoming?

In the next five years to 10years, I would have been much more established in the world for delivering top –notch entertainment.I also would be known for movie-making.

Have you ever felt discouraged in doing what you do maybe due to some tiring factors?

It is normal to feel discouraged. But I keep my eye on the ultimate goal and my team encourages me often.

If not comedy and cinematography what else do you see yourself doing?

I would probably be a lecturer or a motivational speaker or an Apostle.

What advice do you have for upcoming artiste in this industry?

I did a video on my YouTube channel titled, “why upcoming artist won’t blow” where I talked about important things upcoming artist should know. As an upcoming artist, know your audience, focus more on your content, be creative, be consistent, persevere (because the beginning will never be easy), stay humble and don’t give up.

When should we be expecting your homecoming show in OAU?

I am really looking forward to that. Very soon.

Peter Trailblazer
Peter Adeleke popularly called Peter Trailblazer is a mainstream Nigerian comedian, actor and on-air personality. He is best known for social media comedy videos as the role of a Corporate Mad Man. He is known for creating spontaneous and organic videos that reflect visual realities. Peter Trailblazer was born in Lagos, Nigeria on January 23rd 1993, but hails from Ibadan, Oyo state.

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