Friday, July 26, 2024

Generation Z: “Tech ain’t bad!”


We’re Generation Z! We’re dynamite! Nothing can stop us! Not even Tech!

There have been claims that Generation Z is a generation of digital wizards, a generation comprising of persons with the ability to intuitively navigate code, design motion graphics, and maintain server infrastructure. How true is this claim?

OK… I have a big sister who always shies away from anything relating to technology, claiming that she is not a “tech savvy” –she literally backs off from a concept once she finds that the tech involved is beyond her; Makes me laugh at her because she’s a Millennial. And trust me when I say – Millennials are too easy on technology.

For Generation Z, many of us can be seen, effortlessly manipulating technology in ways that people from older generations often struggle to. Meanwhile, you shouldn’t forget that our world today is all about tech.

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You’re a member of the generation Z, right?
Now, here’s where I’m heading… What do you do with Tech?

In case you’re wondering if you’re part of the Gen Z, there’s no need to worry! Gen Z comprises of persons born between 1997 & 2015 (If you’re within the ages 6 – 24 in 2021, then you’re part of Gen Z!), succeeding Millennials, and preceding Generation Alpha. Let’s not even delve into Generation Alpha today because mhennn, those guys are gon show us “craseee” in the world of technology; wait for it!

So, what were me saying? Lol.
OK, I asked a question – Gen Z, what do you do with Tech? Are you making use of it in the best way you can? Are you leveraging Tech?

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The fact that Gen Z has been named the generation of digital wizards doesn’t expressly make you the “Tech Wizard”. You have to indeed earn that “appellation”.
How? By leveraging Tech.

So, I’m asking again… What do you do with Tech?
I’m not here to say “Tech is good” or “Tech is bad” – It is none of those.
See what I see Tech as – “Tech is indeed what you make of it”
Do you agree with me?
In this era when social media, information saturation, and rapid advances in physical technology have assimilated into the Gen Z psyche in a fundamentally unique way, much is expected!

Research shows us that 95% of Gen Z own a Smartphone, 83% own a Laptop, 78% own an advanced gaming console, and 57% own a desktop computer. As a matter of fact, 29% use their smartphone past midnight on a nightly basis.

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Yes, we thrive in a “Techy” environment, but there are signs of dependency. 69% are thrown off balance once they are away from internet access for over 8 hours, and 27% can only last one hour.

As CGK says, “Engaging with online communities and absorbing digital information has become second nature to Gen Z, and severing that connection can cause distress”.

The question still is – What do you do with Tech?

Rather than spending a huge chunk of your time and data subscription on Entertainment, Videos, messaging and several other apps… Why not leverage Tech in the best way?

You want to become a Doctor, right? How many contents have you consumed online to strengthen your knowledge in the field?

Why not solve other people’s problems via the aid of Tech?
What exactly interests you?
What are the problems surrounding that area of your interest?
Would you like to solve them?
Please, do! There’s Tech to aid you!

Move for a paradigm shift in the world of Tech! Tech is what you make of it!

Tech ain’t bad!

It isn’t bad after all.

Are you a part of the Gen Z? What do you do with Tech? What do you think about this piece? Are you challenged? Share your thoughts with me in the comments!

Do not forget to share with others too!

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