Friday, July 26, 2024



These past few weeks on Obafemi Awolowo University Campus have been weeks of momentum activities characterized by political tensions.

There have been series of campaigns, propaganda, rallies, caracade, debates etc., all geared towards deciding who would anchor the fate and the face of political positions of the Great Student Union body.

However, the whole procedural activities of politicking will be coming to an end tomorrow, 1st of September, 2021.

After the Manifestoes Session that went by today at Amphitheater and later at Oduduwa for convenience and operationalization ease, the modalities of the forthcoming elections were made known by the Anchor of the Manifesto Session and the Electoral Chairman of Obafemi Awolowo University Students’ Union, Efem Castro.

It was announced that the voting process will kickstart by 9am tomorrow which happens to be on Wednesday, 1st of September, 2021. It was also made known that the venue for the exercitation of the voting right of students would be at each faculty i.e. there would be polling units at all the 13 faculties in the prestigious University of Obafemi Awolowo.

Also based on the electoral guidelines that was earlier released by the electoral committee, the following factors would be put into consideration tomorrow;

– The Voting SHALL be by secret ballot system and shall be counted in the presence of the agents and observers in an orderly/ systemic way.

– Diploma students would not be allowed to vote or be voted for.

– Part one students would also not be allowed to vote and be voted for.

– The requirement for voting is the provision of an ID CARD or proof of studentship e.g. Course form

People that can exercise their franchise were urged and implored to come in large numbers to come and vote into positions their respective best choice and capable aspirants into power.

For Students can’t afford to remain apathetic in this period as the future of the Student Union Body and the stance of the University is dependent on the voting power of Students in the University.

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