Friday, July 26, 2024

Thinking Of Proposing? Here Are Top 5 Good Spot For Proposing On Campus.


Disclaimer: This article is based on personal opinion

“Love” they say is a beautiful thing but not every one will agree to this as a lot of persons have experienced heart aches all thanks to “love” and they will beg to disagree. Well let’s not spoil the air for our love birds and those planning to tie the knot. Before proposing, be sure of the kind of proposal your partner likes either public (one that attracts crowd) or Private (just both of you) to avoid being disgraced or walked out on. If  you’re sure of that partner and you are planning to ask him/her to spend forever with you, here are top 5 spots where you can carry out your proposal on OAU campus

1. Motion Ground

Motion ground

This spot attracts peoples attention due to its beauty. It is always in motion as human presence is always felt there. If you plan on proposing here,get ready for a public one cause it will attact attention except if you don’t involve drama( shows and the likes).

2. SUB


As crazy as it might sound,a lot of persons love attention and gathering crowd. This is a best spot for persons like that. Don’t be surprised if your proposal video trends on OAU campus and even our blog.

3. OAU Library

Front view of the library

You can do this either inside but you have to be quiet about it cause the library is a calm place or outside where you can get the attention of people passing.

4.Golden Jubilee Garden

Golden Jubilee Garden

If your partner loves nature, then this is one of the best place you can use. It is located inside OAU just after the gate.

5. The Front Of Architecture Studio

Architecture Studio

That is a spot for love birds due it’s serene environment and the privacy it affords although people pass there too. It won’t be a bad idea to pop up the question of marriage there .

A lot of ladies have fantasied how they will respond to thier proposal and guys on how they will go about the proposal but it does not always go as planned. Feel free to share your view on good spots for carrying out a proposal on campus.

Photo creditTomi Fresh

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