Friday, July 26, 2024

OAU Loses Graduate To Auto Crash On Her Way To Convocation


Amidst the celebration in great ife today , A pretty young Obafemi Awolowo University graduate has just been reported dead. Nifemi died on Friday , 10th of December in a ghastly accident. It was reported that she was on her way to the convocation ceremony when this unfortunate event happened. Nifemi was said to have been the class representative of electrical & electronics engineering 2019 set .

Convocation is a period of celebration but at times, not every thing happen as we expect. Painful incidence can also occur during a season of joy and it’s not far fetched from what happened today as Nifemi lost her life to the cold hands of death on a day that was meant to be a happy one for her.

It was gathered that this incident was disclosed by a member of the department, an unidentified person took to the class group and shared this :

I apologize for cutting short your celebration prematurely but it important that I address the group. On the 9th December, Akindele Bliss and Ayanleke Nifemi (class rep) were involved in an accident on their way to our convocation. While Bliss is not in any terrible physical condition thankfully, it is with great regret that I confirm to you that we lost our class rep Nifemi.

Nifemi was a devout, diligent, and cheerful leader. She was a genuinely happy soul, and it was impossible to find her without a smile on her face. No matter how daunting the task, she went about her duties and responsibilities cheerfully. I’m sure everyone has nothing but good memories of her.

Losing a colleague is a tough pill to swallow, losing a friend brings great sadness, losing Nifemi has come with unbearable pain. I can only imagine how difficult it must be for her relatives and close friends. So I offer my condolences to everyone, to Bliss, and especially her parents.

Departmental Class Group

The management and entire members of Inside OAU innovations express our condolence with the friends and family of the deceased . This is indeed a great loss to Obafemi Awolowo University and Nigeria at large , we pray and hope that God grant the family of the deceased fortitude to bear the loss

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