Friday, July 26, 2024

Top 5 universities to study Medicine and Surgery in Nigeria


Health, they say is wealth. This quote explains why it is important for our health to be properly cared for. Many students in science classes nowadays dream of becoming one thing or the other in the nearest future. Medicine and surgery is one of the hottest courses in Nigeria, so for students aspiring to study medicine in any Nigerian institution here’s a list of 5 best universities to study medicine in Nigeria:


As per multiple sources, the college of medicine of the University of Ibadan is the best place to study medicine in Nigeria. The university itself is ranked the best in Nigeria and one of the best in the African continent. It is located in Ibadan, Oyo state, southwestern Nigeria. Medicine and Surgery is one of the toughest courses to be admitted into in this university because of the large number of applicants.

University of Ibadan, Oyo state


Akoka, Lagos State, Nigeria is where one of the best universities in Nigeria is situated. The college of medicine at the University of Lagos has three sub faculties which are: Faculty of basic medical sciences, faculty of clinical sciences and faculty of dental sciences.

University of Lagos


OAU, as it is commonly known, is popular for this line in her anthem “For learning and culture, sports and struggle” which also is the school’s anthem. This goes a long way to establish OAU as one of the best universities to study any accredited course. Medicine in this case is one of them.

Obafemi Awolowo University


UNILORIN, the abbreviation for University of ILORIN, is one of the best universities in Nigeria. It is a very good choice when shopping for universities to study medicine and surgery in Nigeria. The school has tight academic schedules with little or no distractions at all and you can be sure that you will spend 6 years for your 6-year course.

University of Ilorin, Kwara state


Located in the city of Nsukka, UNN is one of the best schools to study medicine in Nigeria. As at the time of writing this post, the university is the first and only university in Nigeria that has a veterinary teaching hospital where animals are being taken care of. I think that’s enough reason to consider it as a place to study medicine and surgery.

University of Nigeria, Nsukka

In conclusion, these are the best 5 Universities to study medicine in Nigeria according to Inside OAU media. We hope you find this post helpful.

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