Friday, July 26, 2024



   Nothing is as saddening as failing any exam, especially the ones that cannot be restored that have to be taken again in a new session (repeat or extra year).
The question will be why OAU students fail and more painfully why they will continue to fail if  adequate measures are not taken;


Most students are afraid of their ability to succeed, intimidated by their colleagues, fearful of the bossy and no nonsense lecturers and fearful of the course because somebody somewhere said something which is most times a big lie. The fact of life is that the fear of failure causes failure big time, so the challenge for you is to conquer fear, challenge your fear, don’t allow anybody to rape your mind about the difficulty of any course in the name of advice. Never compare yourself to anyone, you are a unique entity and what someone is doing, you can actually do better if you believe in yourself. If you don’t want to be second class creation and you can pay the price of studying like you have never done, so as to achieve your goals. You are a mirror of things you say to yourself.


Most students resume for a new session or semester without a concrete or well planned goal. That within the second and third week of resumption they forget the reason why they are on campus at the first place. Too manu engagements, partying, gossiping, rocking and painting the school, unnecessary meetings and association. The beautiful thing about time is that it waits for no man, before they realize what is going on, it is lecture free week already, so they begin to crash read, overnight here and there, their body begins to react, then they fall sick. The bitter truth is, whoever does not prepare to succeed has already begun preparations to fail, later they resort to examination malpractice they are caught and expelled after three or four years of being in school.
The advice is to start preparing now for your exam to get your desired grades, wise- up and set your focus right. Remember part of your future you dreamt of a few years ago is today, and your preparation today will ultimately determine your tomorrow.


OAU campus is a place for different kinds of competitions. People will pepper, they’ll oppress, but you are not here for that, you shouldn’t loose focus because of materialistic things. If you have lost focus, get off the rat race as it will not matter in the next few years. The clothes and wears that will not allow you attend classes will wear out in the next few years, any association that intimidates you because of such, leave them and remember there are no true classmates in life after 4 to 5 years everyone will find their classes.

Conclusively, say no to fear! Associate with people that encourage you and start making your preparations now. A little here and a little there makes the difference and never allow yourself to be caught up in the best of competition for clothing or things that do not add value to you. I believe that if you can watch against this aforementioned reasons and contend against them you are on your way to becoming unstoppable and academic excellence will be your reward.

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