Friday, July 26, 2024

5 Things Displaying Strength Than Our National Grid


The national grid was reported to have collapsed yet again this year and it makes me wonder if anything works right in this country. Light that’s not even stable without the power grid but then it decided to take turns to faint despite the ongoing situation of things like fuel price rise amongst other ills. What is even showing us love in this country?

Here are 5 things stronger than the power grid and the 5th one has nothing on it:

1. Sapa

Sapa is lasting but not the national grid. You can imagine the number of times you’ve complained about being broke just this year, I’m amazed at the consistency but at least, something is showing dedication than our power supply.

Read also: 5 Best Places To Find Money

2. Powerbank

If anything your powerbank must have stuck well with you longer than the national power that has failed us over 200 times since 2010 and still doing so now. Your powerbank is your only chance to stay connected to the world now, cherish it.

3. Inflation rate

I don’t know how we are all doing it but we are doing it. We don’t know where, we don’t know when we will just hear that dollar has increased and gbam sardine is now N1500 from the N600 we were managing that we weren’t even contented with. The inflation rate in Nigeria hit 18.6% a year-on-year basis as at June 2022, you can be certain that with the situation of things, we currently have nothing on the arithmetic progression.

4. Generator

At least you have control on your generator once you fuel, maintain and prevent it from getting stolen especially if you are in Lagos. In the June 2022 report by Stears and Sterling, the African Development Bank estimated that Nigerians spend $14bn fuelling petrol or diesel powered generators and self supply up to 44% of the electricity needed in their households. All generators do is make noise, pollute the environment and enforce even greater sapa but what can you do when you’re trying to stay productive but the national grid is playing hard to get? Our tech bros and small business owners are probably suffering the most.

5. Electoral malpractices

How did this get in here? It’s not news that every election we find our stomachs getting filled and pockets dripping because politicians are sending us “love” to vote for them. It is during election you will realise that the country that its debt-to-GDP ratio rose to 23.3% as debt stock rose to N41.6 trillion in just the first quarter of the year with likelihood to reach N45 trillion in 2022,
has very rich politicians that are willing to spend lavishly to stay in power.

Vote buying didn’t stop neither did other illicit backyard activity drop but our national grid has collapsed yet again.

The #OsunDecides2022 election results showed that only 42.16% of the 1.95 million registered voters in the state voted which is a decrease from the 45.74% recorded in 2018 and the lowest recorded by the state since 2003. As registered voters increased by 16% and PVC by 10.7% compared to 2018, the total votes casted went down but PVC collection went up, please don’t hoard your votes, they matter.

Read also: Here’s What OAU Students Think About The #OsunDecides2022 Electoral Process And Result

As we await the rise of the National grid again…

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