Friday, July 26, 2024

Buhari To Face Impeachment After 6 Weeks Ultimatum: Opposition Senators Threatens Over Insecurity


On Wednesday, minority senators organize a walkout after ruling the impeachment of President Muhammadu Buhari over aggravating insecurity issues. 

However, the President of the Senate, Lawan halted the minority leader, Senator Philip Aduda from starting the action to impeach the President over his letdown on solving the security matters in the country. 

Amidst the worsening of security lately, the opposition lawmakers made their demands clear to follow through with the impeachment. 

Senator Aduda briefed reporters at the National Assembly complex on behalf of his discontented colleagues.

The Minority Leader, while talking to the journalists, explained that they went into a closed-door session, where they discussed various security issues

According to him, the opposition senators have issued a six-week ultimatum to President Muhammadu Buhari to fight the security struggles weakening the country.

The Solidarity hymn “All We are saying is Buhari must go, Lawan must go” was chanted by Aduda and other senators who staged the walkout from the chamber, yesterday

There were reportedly controversies that the senate president was hesitant to make the decision public, which led to the walkout. 

Aduda said:

“We agreed that we will give the President an ultimatum, failing which we will move to give an impeachment notice. 

“This was our agreement at the executive session, but when we came out, the Senate President refused to inform the public of our resolution. Since that didn’t happen, we had come here in protest to let Nigerians know that we are with them. Insecurity in Nigeria is out of hand and urgent steps needed to be taken so that the issues are addressed immediately”

Earlier, the Abuja-Kaduna train terrorists made a threat to abduct the president and the governor of Karina state,  El- Rufai which the Federal Government described as laughable hype. 

Although, in FCT, all private schools have been issued for closure following the threats on the Capital city. 

The terrorists are thirsting for a showdown in the state, thus brushing up the impeachment action from the opposing senators.  

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