Friday, July 26, 2024

13 Soft Skills You Need To Develop Your Career


At the onset of your career, you need to have a couple of soft skills to get the edge over your colleague at work. Mind you, it doesn’t have to be a competition but soft skills are everything you’re going to need for a successful and great opportunity advantage in your career.

What are Soft Skills? 

Let’s learn!

Soft skills are primarily the behavioural attributes you possess or should possess, related to how you deal and/or interact with people or interact in your workplace. 

Possessing a few soft skills might be a great influence on successful career development, though any soft skill is humanly hard to build within oneself. 

And while you might not be needing all of them, I’ll let you explore the essentials of soft skills you need to keep your career afloat, and successful.

1. Punctuality

Be punctual

Being punctual is one thing you don’t want to overlook especially at the early stage of your career. It gives you the credit for being reliable, and it gives timely satisfaction to those that need your service. The assurance that you’ll be there when they need you to fulfil a task, urgent and specific, and fast. 


  • Learn to always be up and active on time
  • Keep your schedules in mind
  • Have a routinely and healthy lifestyle to keep you on track 

2. Time Management

Time Consciousness

While at your workplace, you have to practice the proper timing of your work and tasks. No slacks when you have to go all through many tasks, but you would need to know which are urgent and which you would need to take your time and tasks that are time wasting. A good task and work deliverance will look good in your career. 


  • Prioritize your task
  • Know your deadlines
  • Say no to time suckers 
  • Always plan ahead
  • Avoid distractions

3. Work Ethics

Be Responsible

A working ethic like knowing your responsibility and performing them diligently is certain a good soft skill. You don’t need procrastination and empty promises to develop a successful career, no matter your position at your workplace.


  • Know how to keep your commitments
  • Don’t make excuses
  • Take responsibility for your tasks and actions

4. Teamwork

Team up

Having a career will always find you a set of people in your branch or category you would share common ideas to successfully carry out specific responsibilities at your workplace. Working with people of different views and methods of approach shouldn’t be a cause to tag you wrong in your own space, but rather let you keep an open mind for the stability of your team.


  • Be ready to always learn
  • Learn to be open-minded
  • Allow a say for others
  • Don’t claim all the glory 

5. Communication


The key to a successful career is the ability to pay attention to the way you reach out to others around at your workplace and beyond. We all have our ways to communicate what we need to let others know or listen to, but the manners in which you let it out matters. You still need to watch out for how you let others communicate with you.


  • Always listen 
  • Never be aggressive with body language
  • Let others talk
  • Let your tone be welcoming 

6. Relationship Building

Build Relationship

You live life during your career, and that would mean you coming in contact with different kinds of people with different interests. As a good career holder, you would need to be humane in your dealings. You lend a hand to those who need anything at all you have to offer to get them up, it keeps you close to your colleagues and gives you reliability. Who knows when you’d need them.


  • Maintain a good attitude
  • Expect less and give more 
  • Assist those with the same interest 
  • Look out for your colleagues   

7. Empathy

You should go to extra mile to put into consideration the perspectives of your co-workers at your workplace. Letting a natural curiosity in your mind might allow you to understand the concerns and situations of colleagues during your career. Therefore, you can be a more supportive colleague than a less concerned person.

Have Empathy


  • Make it easier to get your attention
  • Create time to listen
  • Create space to place others’ feelings
  • Don’t create a false impression 

8. Emotional Intelligence

Control Emotions

The one soft skill to save your career from risks of impulsive decisions is emotional intelligence. The ability to restrain emotions that destroy all you’ve worked tirelessly for, to keep at bay irrational thoughts, and to avoid taking regrettable actions. 


  • Don’t act on impulse
  • Control the negative emotions
  • Calm down when you’re overwhelmed
  • Take actions while in the right state of mind

9. Conflict Resolution 

No Conflicts

There would come many times when you disagree over certain things at work, and times that everything you need to complete a task will go wrong. Teams, opinions, and even conclusions might lead to great conflicts in your workplace. However, you must keep away from escalating the whole situation altogether. 


  • Don’t accuse blindly
  • Don’t waste time arguing
  • Focus on solving problems
  • Acknowledge your fault when due 
  • Apologize sincerely 

10. Negotiation


To avoid conflicts when dealing with those within and outside your workspace, you have to develop the insight that your clients, for instance, have their needs and wants from you. Even when you have to work with your familiar colleague at work, maybe when proposing a way to follow to work things out. And that said, you don’t have to succumb to wrong ideas and anything that will keep you at a disadvantage.


  • Try to always reach a considerable agreement 
  • Give a chance to hear the other person
  • Don’t get yourself sabotaged

11. Persuasion


You will need this when you have to reach out to a lot of people and give out awareness. Being able to accurately provide what those that are expectant of what you have to give in a very subtle and persuading manner, to further attract to your career more opportunities to be well known. 


  • Know your audience
  • Understand what your people want
  • Touch their appetites to want more
  • Live up to your expectations

12. Adaptability

Adapt and Adjust

Now, no doubt working towards achieving a successful career will bring you out of your comfort zone. You have to learn to quickly adjust to perhaps a new environment, meet different kinds of people, getting used to working at unusual hours and with new methods. Would you rather sulk at your inconvenience or explore! 


  • Take every change as a new opportunity
  • Focus on working with what’s available
  • Get accustomed to new techniques

13. Positive attitude 

Be Positive

To greatly develop your career to a flying stage, you have to learn to be positive. To yourself, towards people, with your career, and every situation you find yourself in on the go. Nothing beats a healthy mind towards your career dealings, it earns you respect when you give it to others. Having a positive would also mean to exempt you from those that go around getting settled with filling themselves and others with rumours and negative discussions. 


  • Have a beautiful mindset
  • Do less criticism 
  • Don’t nag
  • Say good things about others
  • Focus your strength on believing a better coming days
  • Don’t feed on rumours

Having listed all that comprehensively, you should know now that the keys to developing your career are within you if you look for it. 

Wishing you a beautiful and successful career development in the future, I hope it helps!

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