Friday, July 26, 2024

Things Qatar Did For World Cup (2022) We Can Appreciate.


As well all know it’s the (2022) FIFA World Cup season, and Qatar is the host country. Aside from building a stadium that is worth 220 billion dollars for the World Cup, Qatar had also made lots of arrangements and sacrifices for this cause which are notable and appreciated. Here is the list of the things Qatar did for the (2022) FIFA World Cup.

1.  Promoting The Prophet Sayings

Qatar had the Sayings of Prophet ﷺ in every corner promoting the beauty of Islam.

2.  Islamic Barcode

In hotel rooms, there is a barcode that introduces the teachings of Islam, hadiths, and a simple definition of the Islamist faith.

3.  Changing Of Muezzins

Qatar changed the muezzins of mosques and brought those with beautiful voices. Microphones are put in stadiums for Azan.

4.  A Call For Islam Team

Qatar made arrangements for the Qatar Guest Center to prepare a team of 2,000 people to call for Islam, where it will allocate 10 mobile cars and 10 specialized tents.

5.  Islamic Exhibitions

Qatar prepared Islamic exhibitions which were organized by the Ministry of Awqaf in different languages for visitors.

6.  Making Prayer Places Available In Stadiums

Qatar ensured that prayer areas and places for ablution were made available in stadiums for the first time in the history of the World Cup.

Check Also: #Qatar 2022: Gay Couples Will Be Allowed To Openly Hold Hands And Kiss At Qatar World Cup
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Qatar has proved its worthiness in hosting the (2022) FIFA World Cup, which the whole world has seen, saluted, and applauded. What are your thoughts about these provisions made by Qatar? Let us know in the comment section.

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