Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide: Registering Courses on OAU E-portal (2024)


E-portal !! By now we all know that the “E” in front isn’t electronic , while this might not be a problem for staylites as it is now a regular thing they do every semester, we know freshers might find this challenging. But we are here to help you out as promised; IOI would always have your back. On average, you might think the ‘E’ in E-portal stands for electronic, but, my dear, you will find out after your part 1 why it’s called E-portal.

 In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to register for your courses on OAU E-portal.



1.Log into your E-portal


To begin your course registration on OAU E-portal,  visit and enter your Matric number, password, academic year, and semester.

2. Navigate to the course registration page

On the next page, you will find the student details and profile menu. Under the profile menu, you will see the profile page, health center registration, and teaching assessment, as well as the option to log out. To register for courses, simply select the “Register Courses” option.

3. Select the courses you wish to register for

Once you click on “Register Courses,” you will be taken to a page where all the courses offered are displayed in a table format. In front of each course, there will be a checkbox. To select a course, simply tick the corresponding checkbox. Be sure to select only the courses that you are eligible to take and that fit within your department; your departmental handbook would be of help here.

Step 4: Confirm your course selection

The maximum course unit limit is 24. This means you cannot register for more than 24 units. You may register for fewer units, but not less than 15. In other words, you cannot register for all available courses on the e-portal. To ensure you select courses relevant to your department, it is recommended to consult with senior students, check your departmental handbook, or consult your part adviser  before making your course selections, especially if you are a new student.”

5. Verify your core course, restricted electives, and special electives

The courses offered can be broken down into core courses, restricted electives, and special electives. All core courses are mandatory and must be selected. For restricted electives, students must choose some of the options but not all of them. It is recommended to ask questions to make the right choices. In most cases, there are only two restricted electives, but this can vary by department. special electives are courses from other faculties and are a great opportunity for students to learn about other subjects before graduation. As a student of Obafemi Awolowo University, you are required to complete 6 electives for a total of 12 units, with each elective being 2 units. You may choose as many electives as you want, provided you have space after selecting your core courses and restricted electives. It is important to note that electives cannot be carried over. If you fail an elective, you must choose another one, except in a few cases where you must retake the same elective. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to consult with senior students and ask questions about eligible electives from your faculty, those that must be retaken, and those that can be changed if failed. For example, the Faculty of Science has restrictions on MOLAR electives (electives that end in M, O, L, A, or R).


Once you have made your course selections, scroll down to view the total number of courses you have registered for. Then, click the “submit” button, which will take you back to your profile page.”

To efficiently remove a mistakenly registered course, delete its associated tag. Afterward, scroll down to view a repeated list of your course selections, displayed in a tabular form with tagged courses. You just have to remove the tag from that particular course you want to remove and you will see that the number of units has reduced. To change a course, first, scroll up and tag the desired course with its code. Then check the total course units by scrolling down. After saving your changes, you will be returned to your profile page, where you can see all the courses you have registered for. It’s recommended to take a screenshot for record-keeping before the course activation starts so you don’t get confused about the electives or courses you registered for especially because you’re new to the system. When test or exam time approaches, you may need to print your course form if you don’t have an ID card. Some departments may ask for proof of your registered courses, and the course form includes your course code and titles in a tabular form. Have a successful registration process!”



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