Saturday, September 7, 2024

[Opinion] Is Studying in OAU really worth it?


Studying in OAU is a great privilege like some say but if we look at it from different perspective some will say it is a waste time studying in OAU while others will say it worth it. Well it’s depends on how you look at it. We all know that the system of Education in Nigeria is not good but it’s still manageable. OAU is neither a good place or a bad place it’s just the factor of the system.

Looking at the good side we would say it worth studying in OAU in the sense of Good Education system and according to Nigeria standard of Education OAU is still the best And also the experience and connection one will get. OAU is a place for learning and culture and also a place for struggle that is why they say OAU is not for the weak. Also, OAU has made us realize the use of technology can also be important to teach student i.e Virtual classes and lastly OAU has one of the best Academic standard in Nigeria.

Looking at the bad side we would say it’s a waste of time studying in OAU in terms of strike and Frustration whereby we have had cases of student commiting sucide and many others. Strike in OAU, we know it’s a time waster. Going on strike is not what define a standard school. OAU strike could last for about 6 to 7 month and the school management will not do anything about it that is why most parent pefer private University to federal University. Also, in the case of poor health workers due to the ineffective workers we have OAU has lost several students just like the recent death case we had few weeks ago so some will see OAU has a time waster.

Well,studying in Great ife is like studying in one of the best institution in Nigeria because of the Academic standard and i would actually say it worth studying in OAU.

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