Friday, October 25, 2024

How To Register Courses On OAU Eportal


As resumption is here and the portal has been opened for payment of school fees and course registration, there is a need to provide guidance for freshers. You might feel rushed as resumption is by the corner but IOI brings to you the essential needs of freshers that you need to know and do to have a successful registration.

After bedspace balloting and documents uploading which I’m sure you all have done, next will be course registration. You might not know your way around the eportal so we compiled things you need to know as regards registering for courses on the e-portal.

1. After entering your details( Matric number (UTME number), your password, year and semester) you log in. The next page is where you see student details and the profile menu. Under the profile menu, you will see the profile page, health centre registration, teaching assessment down to sign out. Among the options is register courses

2. Click on register courses and it will take you to where the courses you offer are in tabular form. You see a box in front of each course, it is this box you will tick.

3. Maximum course unit is 24. This means you can’t register more than 24 units. It can be less though, but it can’t be less than 15units. That is, you can’t offer all the courses on your e-portal. So you have to select the ones relevant to your department. Before choosing courses especially as a fresher, you have to ask staylites to know the right courses to register.

4. We have core courses, restricted electives and electives. All core courses are compulsory, you have to tick all while restricted electives, you have to choose because you can’t select all. In order not to choose wrongly, ask questions! Most times restricted electives are not more than two, but this also depends on the department. Then we have electives which are courses from other faculties. The main reason you’re doing electives is to know about other courses before you graduate.

As a student of Obafemi Awolowo University, you are required to do 6 electives which equal to 12 units, 2 units per elective. You can choose as many electives as you can, provided you have spaces for them. An example is, after choosing core courses and restricted electives and their sum up isn’t up to 24 units, you can choose electives to fill up the spaces.

Note that you don’t carry over electives, once you fail an elective, you can choose another except for a few electives that if you fail you have to do it again. More reason you need to ask questions so you choose from eligible electives from your faculty, those you have to carry them over if you fail and those you can just change if you fail them. An example is Faculty of Science that’s restricted to the MOLAR electives, that is, every elective that ends in M, O, L, A or R

5. After selecting all the courses, scroll down as that is where the total number of your registered courses appears. Then you click on submit, which takes you back to the profile page.

In case there is a mistake in the registered courses you want to delete, the only way to efficiently delete is by deleting tags. Then scroll down to see the repetition of everything you picked up in another tabular form already tagged. You just have to remove the tag from that particular course you want to remove and you will see that the number of units has reduced.

If you want to substitute with another course, scroll up and tag the course with the code most preferably, before scrolling down to see the total number of course units to save.

Once you save that,  you will be back on your profile page where you can see the registered courses. You can screenshot for record purposes just before activation of the course form starts so you don’t get confused about the  electives or courses you registered for especially because you’re new to the system.

Once test or exam is fast approaching, there will be a need to print the course form when you don’t have an ID card. There are departments that have trust issues so they’d always ask to know if you truly registered for the course. The course form entails all your registered courses. It will be in a tabular form where you will have your course code and titles.

Have a smooth registration week!

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