Friday, October 18, 2024

Top 6 Weirdest Things We Have Seen In OAU Since School Resumed


The ASUU strike that lasted 8-months changed so many things in this Ile-Ife. They’re pretty weird that we cannot even relate to them; some are cruel, while some are funny. Below are the 6 Weirdest things we’ve seen in OAU since we resumed. 

1. Drivers now obey the zebra crossing sign

OAU is a big community on its own, and there are specific rules. However, there are some rules drivers have refused to obey, one of which is slowing down or stopping at the Zebra crossing. Our drivers must have worked in primary school throughout the 8-months  strike for them to follow the zebra crossing rule suddenly. 

2. As E dey hot price increment and SU intervention

As E dey Hot
As E dey Hot

As e dey hot, father to the fatherless, mother to the motherless on OAU campus, life saver decided to murder its children after the ASUU strike, they increased the prices making it quite unaffordable, thank God for the students’ union intervention, fatherless children would have died.

3. Hostel palava 

It’s the ridiculous increment in the price of apartments and agency fees for me. We know Ife people to be exploiters, but this is exploitation pro max. Houses are no longer affordable. May God help Parents and Great IFE students because what is this?


4. Trader’s humbleness

If you’re familiar with Ile-Ife traders, you’ll know they’re the rudest set of people in the world; they suddenly became humble, which is quite shocking. When traders started greeting, persuading, and looking for change for students, what sapa cannot do doesn’t exist.

5. Bikemen turn WireWire 

We thought OUI students were the Wirewire; we didn’t know when OAU bikemen started learning Yahoo; amidst the lingering strike, these people are legit cashing out from students. Thank God for Great Ife SU again.

6. The sun 

 It seems the solar system has changed; instead of Mercury being the closest to the sun , it’s now ife. The image below explains it all. We know November is always pretty hot, but ile-ife took this too personally, imagine the sun shining bright at 8:30 am The sun in ile-ife could literally fry egg 

These are some of the weird things we can’t take our eyes off on OAU campus. Is there something you’d like to add? Kindly add in the comment section

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