Friday, October 18, 2024

Exclusive interview with the founder, TCC Concepts


Meet one of OAU’s biggest entrepreneurs in this exclusive interview, Adefemi Akinyemi popularly known as Adebliss

May we meet you, Sir?

I’m Adefemi Akinyemi
Student of Obafemi Awolowo University
Public Administration..
Part 2
Also an Entrepreneur
Founder @the_choice_concepts


Who / What are you outside the_choice_concepts?

I am a forex trader
And also an investor


What’s the brand all about?

Printing and a lot more..
You can check my profile @the_choice_concepts on Instagram


How did you come about the name of your brand?

Honestly I can’t say precisely. I woke up a day, i think it was on my birthday 2018, and I discovered I own a brand called TCC.

(TCC) is the acronym gotten from THE CHOICE CONCEPTS.

The Choice Concepts

Then I told my brother about it, i just found a name for my brand then we started using it together just to navigate it among students on campus. Then it was on my birthday 2018.

I never thought of owning a brand a day before my birthday, I prayed on it before i slept and woke up as a brand owner.


We understand that you are also a student, how did you start the business and how has it been?

Well… My dad is an artist but not a modern one so I developed myself on his Legacy, and that has really been so helpful

I started my brand 2018, It has not been easy since then, but good or bad we thank God.

During the lockdown I developed some new skills like tie and dye, then I started trading forex too.


This must have been one of your strongest influences growing up.
Apart from this, what were your strongest influences as a child growing up?
Were they indications that you will eventually pick interest in this?

Well I never thought of becoming an Artist just like my dad. But I trained a lot to become a footballer.
Here I am today.

I repeated classes just for me to be a professional footballer.. Playing competitions across the country.


Oh! Really?
Do you still take part in it till this date?

Not at all
I play just for fun


The fact that schools have not been open must have affected the business… In what way(s) has the business been affected as a result.
Or perhaps, it’s a different narrative?

Yeah the Pandemic really affected my business because of the student environment it’s located.
Most people who patronize are students.


But you definitely get patronage from non-students.

Sure, staffs trade with me on and off campus and Ife citizens too.


Did the brand start off on campus or before you came in?

I started it on campus I came to Ife 2017, before I was given admission then I was working at A&G prints on campus.


How have you been able to merge or juggle your academic life with the business, as well as other aspects of your life?

Its been God.. And discipline..
There is time for everything I planned my schedule for every next two days when school was in session.

I do less of business when its time for test and exam. My deliveries are always late during that time and most student clients will also understand.

Also, if the job is a matter of urgency I give the job out to an expert who will do it for me just to keep my client. Though the gain on the job will reduce but its better than non or to lose the customer.


What will you say has been your most challenging experience in the business?

Capital, Lack of access to loans mainly.


I can relate… Capital is usually a big one when it comes to doing business.
But so far, what has been your main source?
For the capital…

The money I raise myself from the business.


We’ll like to know three things that keep you going despite your hurdles?

God’s Grace, God’s Grace and God’s Grace


What is it that differentiates the_choice_concepts from the rest of other brands?

The difference is clear
1. We deliver with speed
2. We deliver quality
3. We are very affordable
And most importantly you will surely like TCC.


What’s your advice to students out there and starters in the business world?

My little advice is that as the world is going everyone will no longer depend on only your knowledge the world is going to be the world of creativity… Think on what you are good at and improve on it day by day… And put God first in any thing you do.


Where do you see yourself in the next five years? I mean, What plans do you have for the aftermath of your days in OAU?

My plan since when I was in JSS 3, when I Quiet football as a career … Is to be a Boss of my own in future not to be a staff to anyone not even to the Government, I just want to be a BOSS… So God help me.
With God I see it coming soonest even before I graduate Inshallah (If Allah/God wills it)


What major lesson did 2020 teach you?

2020 has thought me not to depend on anyone’s source of income.


Away from Business, Do you have a favourite spot on Campus?
Where and why?

Hmm not really but if I would pick it’ll be central Market and even business wise.


What are the activities you derive pleasure in doing, your hobbies, so to say?

Sports and meeting people


Quickly tell us some fun facts about you

Adebliss that’s what people call me. I’m someone that tolerates everyone for who they are. I don’t have a permanent friend and also don’t have a permanent enemy.


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