Sunday, September 8, 2024

Fire Guts Hostel in OAU-CDL


Panic erupted on Friday when a Boys’ Hostel housing Predegree & JUPEB Students of O.A.U-CDL at the Moro area of Ile-Ifé, Osun State, experienced a fire outbreak while most of the students were on Campus.

The Hostel named “Mercy of God” is an off campus Hostel solely for Predites as well as JUPEBites. The fire, which students and residents alike said started at around 10am – 11am was caused by the explosion of a Gas cylinder.

While it was happening!

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It was reported that one of the boys was making use of his Gas cylinder in cooking, however, the gas cylinder suddenly exploded, causing the Fire incident.

Aftermath of the Fire Incident

We gathered from an eyewitness who said that there was no casualty recorded, but he added that virtually all the rooms in the Hostel got burnt together with belongings of students.

Whilst the school authorities have not identified anybody injured in the inferno, it was reported that one of the students fainted, but was revived soon afterwards.

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All thanks to God as no single life was lost in the whole catastrophe.

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