Sunday, September 8, 2024

Are you a ‘goody two shoes’? Find out in this post


Amongst students, we cannot rule out the fact that different character traits exist. While some tend to be morally upright, a good number of other students are lax. This is as a result of the different backgrounds which they all have.

The students who appear to be ‘morally upright’ are often tagged ‘goody two shoes’. A phrase they often take to be an insult on their personality.

You’re probably wondering what it means to be called a ‘goody two shoes’. Stay put, you have me here.
‘goody two shoes’ is a phrase often used for an individual who acts as though they were good, or an individual who in true sense is good, but makes others feel uncomfortable as a result.

Now, this is common amongst students, and even commoner amongst OAU Students (grins). In most instances, the concerned student isn’t out to impress others, but the fact that they appear to be ‘morally upright’ every time is often misinterpreted to be an ambitious display or a vain show.
In other words, the individual being tagged a ‘goody two shoes’ is one perceived to be an ostentatiously virtuous or well behaved person; one who is trying really hard to do good stuff such that it begins to annoy/irritate people around them.

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Should the phrase be taken as an insult?

Well, it depends on what you take it to be. I could accept it as a compliment, but some other persons may flair up and want to “break bottles” when they are called a ‘goody two shoes’. In some cases, it costs the student their mental health as they feel really sad about it. Therefore, being tagged a ‘goody two shoes’ isn’t exactly an insult; it only depends on your interpretation of the phrase.

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Let me tell you a quick story… I had a course mate in my first year here in OAU. He usually sat on the front row in class. As a matter of fact, he was known to always sit on a particular seat; what I call his spot, meaning no one else sits on his seat.

Daniel not only maintained his seat on the front row, he also answered every damn question that was asked in class. He was also the only one who usually had a question to ask or a contribution to make after a Lecturer is done addressing the class. So, virtually all our Lecturers knew him within the first few weeks of resumption. This single act soon started annoying everyone in class. It seemed to be a vain show!
While Daniel may have done all of these out of sheer innocence, he was perceived to be one who was trying really hard to impress our Lecturers and get their attention drawn towards him. We felt he wanted to leave the impression that he was a ‘good’ student, and others were not – this made us uncomfortable; hence, he was tagged a ‘goody two shoes’ by all.

In our group of friends, many of us can’t do away with the tendency of being the well-behaved one, or to be more direct, the goody two shoes friend. Even when we’re whined and insulted by our dear friends for trying to do the right thing always, we can’t help but stick to the rules and worry when our friends do not. Here are some characteristics that could lead you to being tagged a ‘goody two shoes’, Can you identify with them?

• You never drank alcohol because you were trained not to, or you just didn’t really care about drinking. You even try to stop some of your friends from drinking.
Hey, bro! You’re the do-gooder of your squad.

• You consciously do not use curse words. Not even the ‘f’ word.

• You’re easily approached by other students you don’t know for directions as a result of your really cool and friendly face. And you help them with the directions of course.

• You still seek your parents’ permission for every damn thing.

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• You find it really hard to skip classes even when a situation warrants that you do

• You do not have the ability to hold grudges against your friends. Even when you’re wronged, you’re always the first to apologize. Because you cannot manage to be mean, you find yourself starting a conversation with every random stranger you come by

• When you go out of your way to do stuff, say talking to a girl, taking a shot or smoking, your friends are usually extremely proud of you and hail you for impressing them.

• You find it alarming when other people appear not to care about a serious situation. Like, ain’t they aware of the consequences this action could birth?

• You spend every bit of your time doing something important or productive. You cannot afford to be ‘shaed’ by OAU Lecturers

• You are the one who always calls your friends to order when they do something wrong, either morally or in other facets

• You always read every list of rules and instructions. In turn, reading these rules has saved you several times while your friends do not go unpunished.

• You always ensure to be faithful whenever you join a queue. You believe that manoeuvring your way through is totally wrong

Which of these can you relate with? Let me know in the comments!

Interestingly enough, all of these traits are not at all peculiar to students or young adults. A lot of persons, no matter how old they turn, still remain the do-gooder of their group of friends.

Is being a goody two shoes bad?
From my perspective, it’s a big NO. As a matter of fact, it should be a continuous reminder that you are good in character, and how you stand out in the midst of friends. Why not?

Let me continue my storytelling… This one happened between two Course mates before my very own eyes. Guess who it was again? Daniel! This time around it was in the exam hall, and one of the guys he usually walked with beckoned on him for his assistance. Daniel immediately turned his friend down, stating that it was against his faith. In fact, he was smiling while saying this.
At this, you’ll agree that Daniel is a ‘goody two shoes’.

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Now, is it bad to be a ‘goody two shoes’? From Daniel’s story, it’s a big NO! What if he was caught by the invigilator while helping his friend in the exam hall? It could have cost both friends an expulsion on the grounds of Examination Malpractice, or more leniently, an extended year in School.

There’s nothing wrong in being a ‘goody two shoes’. It actually becomes a slippery slope when you always make efforts to fit in and do things so that your friends see you as a badass. If they refuse to perceive you as “good”, tell them they have a bad olfactory!
Own it and tell them;
“Yes, I’m proudly a ‘goody two shoes’. I’m proud to be the very good friend, polite, honest, dependable and trustworthy” – Just be you, and do not try to please anyone. In fact, be the best version of ‘goody two shoes’ that ever existed.

For a fact, the phrase is often used to peer pressure others into doing what they’ll otherwise not do – something harmful in most cases. This is because they do not want to do those things alone, and having someone to do such things alongside other friends feels good.
This is not to say that you shouldn’t catch the fun you want to. Just ensure you’re not doing what you’re doing to please anyone.

Do you consider yourself a ‘goody two shoes’? Do you have a ‘goody two shoes’ friend, roommate or course mate? What was your relationship with them like? I’d like to know in the comments!

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