Friday, July 26, 2024

HEIR-APPARENT (Story Series) : Episode 3


Link to Episode 1


Link to Episode 2



The President-elect mentioned ” Mallam Taofeek Abidemi, you are to handle the Ministry of Finance while Professor Olatunde Opeloyeru, you are to oversee the Ministry of Education”. Happiness shone brightly on the faces of the two moguls as they felt they have achieved their aim. Amidst the rest, other appointments were made and the President-elect admonished them all to ensure they are up to the task which will kick off immediately they are sworn in.

Meanwhile, in the camp of the ruling party, the Incumbent President was seen dictating orders to his staff. He sent for his Chief Secretary and told him ” Send a confidential letter to the Tribunal Chairman telling him this result was doctored and we have to manipulate things to favor us. Also send a public notice that i am ready to challenge Dr.Mrs Omoyeni’s victory at the polls”. After the Chief Secretary left, he sent for his Chief of Staff, his Aide De Camp and the Director General of his campaign organization. When they arrived, in a closed-door meeting, he told them ” Now is the time to play smart for this people. Assassinate the Electoral Commission Secretary discreetly with no suspicion, Relieve the officers in charge of the following offices and swap them with our most trusted allies, with immediate effect: Director General of The Department of State Security Services, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Inspector General of Police and the Chief of Air Staff. Also find a way to implicate the acting Director General of the World Health Organization here with a scandal that will lead to her dismissal. Also inform our spy in The People’s Choice of our plans and tell him to further update me on any developments. Also summon the Party Chairman, our party Governors, Senators and Mallam Haske to meet me discreetly at the one of our warehouses nearby, we must not been seen publicly together for now to avoid suspicions “.

Series of meetings were held after then and a pact was formed between the Incumbent President and the Former Vice President to ensure the destruction of the President-elect. Assassination of the Electoral Commission Secretary shook the whole nation and the People’s Choice have started to suspect a foul play which led to a meeting called by the President-elect with the Transition committee which comprises of all party representatives, a former Electoral Commission Chairman and a former Secretary to the Government. After series of meetings, they came to a conclusion that the Electoral Commission and the Electoral Tribunal should remain independent and that they should work hand in hand with the Transition Committee and make adequate measures to ensure the smooth transition of power and probe into whatever project the current administration embarks on within their remaining days left in power.

A week later, in the enormous living room of the Opeloyeru clan, the whole family were still in a joyful mood of the Prof’s position as the Proposed Minister of Education. During the course of the celebration, two very shocking announcements were simultaneously made on the National Broadcasting network which shook the family and nation entirely by surprise.

What announcement do you think was made that could have affected the Opeloyeru clan as a whole?

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